Friday, March 18, 2016

"I think I'm made of stone, I should be feeling more..."

Spotkanie po latach. Wiele dobrych chwil...
A meeting after few years years. A lot of good moments...

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Sunday traveler.

Słowiński Park Narodowy.
Słowiński National Park

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Birthday Girl.

Kolejny rok przemknął mi pomiędzy palcami. Rok, który wywrócił mi życie do góry nogami.
Another year sliped through my fingers. A year which turned my life upside down.

"Chemically enlaced faces,
Black out nights and tight spaces.
We'll feel distant embraces,
Scratching hands 'round my waist, yeah,
I wash my mouth, but still taste you.

 I feel numb, make me better,
I feel numb in this kingdom,
I feel numb, make me better,
I feel numb in this kingdom."
                                                Daughter - Numbers